Gre powerprep 2 solution
Gre powerprep 2 solution

gre powerprep 2 solution

By assuming reaching more customers with the excellent reviews will necessarily increase sales, the author neglected other important factors such as price, location, screen time and deals.

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Secondly, it is worth investigating whether the quality of movie is a deterministic factor for whether the customers of Super Screen choose to buy the tickets. Therefore, it is unreasonable to expect good reviews to transfer into better sales.

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There are plenty of internationally acclaimed films that do not get appreciated by most people. Not only are reviewers unlikely to be a representative sample of the local population, their typical likings for arthouse movies with often convoluted plot and meanings do not necessarily align with the public. To begin with, it is questionable whether the reviewers' predilections for a film correlate with its popularity within the general public. This argument is flawed, as a few questions await to be answered in order for the claims in the memo to be sustained. The advertising director of the Super Screen movie company argued for a greater share of the company's budget to be dedicated to advertising, based on their belief that the reason for low attendance for Super Screen movies is that customers are unaware of the excellence of these movies, as confirmed by reviewers.

Gre powerprep 2 solution